How to create advertising campaign for YouTube video


▶ YouTube advertising campaign. Video guide on creation of InStream video campaign.

This is a step by step guide on creation of campaign for YouTube video.


Login in

Add new VAST-tag.

Open YouTube video.

Copy video ID.

Back to the vs.spy-love. com and insert video ID.

Create VAST-tag.

Copy URL.

Log in ClickAdilla.

Create In Stream ads:

- Select VAST wrapper with VPAID.

- Insert VAST-tag.

10. Create campaign:

- Select In Stream format and Pre-Roll placement.

- Set up target options and bid price.


You can select a GEO or a preset.

For YouTube Pre-Rolls we have a special preset called "VPAID TIER 3".

For YouTube Pre-Rolls min bid is $0.65.

In case you selected All countries min bid is $1.

That’s All! After approval the video will start to receive impressions within an hour.

youtubepre-rollsinstream videovideo adsVideo guide
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